Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Reflections On Speaking Truth To Power

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For readers who are struggling, in hopes of finding the liberation and peace I have created for myself, from their own "speaking truth to power," challenges, please feel free to contact me at Anastasia The Super Sleuth Coaching and Consulting for your personal guidance in my very special way that includes, always transforming the Dark into the Light.

I am standing back today, watching and pondering many things.

I am seeing things I like and others I don't.

For example, I LOVE women speaking truth to power!

I LOVE others, especially men, listening respectfully and responding positively to this feminine putting of oneself full front.

And, I LOVE it when justice and a balance of power comes of this, particularly between men and women.  Woman to woman and man to man is good too!

I am disheartened by those who would minimize a woman's courageous acts that require stepping out from customary norms.

In this regard, the recent Joe Biden "sexually inappropriate behavior" upset seems to have become a factor, today, in taking my personal optimism down a notch or two. 

Reflecting on this situation, as I find myself distracted from having a productive workday today, I am asking myself…..

What does speaking truth to power really buy in the end?

How much is a woman's freedom, body, mind and spirit worth?

What is the actual "Cost of the Quiet?

For oneself? For the good of the whole?

What difference, for the good of the whole, does truth telling actually make?

It can be so incredibly liberating and empowering to speak truth to power, especially if one has held back, previously, from doing it, even if one's oppressor/power abuser tunes a person out, retaliates or even humiliates you, provided...

…enough people in your village, community etc hear and affirm you!!  

Stand by your side as you manage repercussions, from within yourself and from without.

And above all else, there is the matter of the chaos you had been managing within yourself, built of the emotional distress you'd been carrying, fearful of sharing what you had been holding back, now released, freeing you to settle into a greater clarity and calm within yourself.

Your just reward due. This enhanced well-being of yours.

I know!

I have lived both sides of it now, the buried and hidden chaos and confusion, fortified on the inner level by undue strength -- and now the settled, increasing clarity, calm and resilience I find building within me, with the room I have now freed up inside myself where once there were secrets.

Most importantly, I have learned, at a much-expanded level, how very much truth-telling is essential to my well-being. And, with it, the respectful and responsive listening to my truth by others.

I have grown this wisdom of mine, konmarie-- ing my life of the clutter of untold tales of male power-abusing me, since I found those hidden documents that set off my Ethics Complaint, last year, taking action on them without a moment’s hesitation, determined to do whatever I needed to get out from under the "Cost of the Quiet" I had been paying, an undeserved debt, accruing interest, year after year without my even realizing I had contracted myself for it.

Thus, long before I knew of Marie Kondo I had already discovered sparks of joy in the clearing away, as the ordeal of my Ethics Complaint of last year unfolded with a full liberation from that hidden story, put by the wayside.

But why so long to get to this place, I ask myself, occasionally? 

I’d been holding those documents for close to thirty years.

But of course I know the answer.

So -- thank you to all the women who had the courage to confront Harvey Weinstein. You are the main answer!  And those of you who continue to come forth. And, of course, #MeToo, paving the way for a more liberated social norm than previously.

You paved the way to a liberation I could not have attained on my own.

Now with the dam unlocked, the waters of my deeper self flow more freely, gaining momentum in daily life. And I realize there is much to say, yet unsaid, by me.

By all of us who have not until now been able to speak truth to the power of male oppression in its many forms, sizes and shapes.

So maybe tomorrow I will have more to say.

And, soon I will have another new article to present.  

My outpourings on this subject, speaking truth to power and other related issues, have only just begun.

Maybe I will title tomorrow’s piece “The Issue Of Joe Biden Creating Chaos Rather Than The Order And Stability Some Of Us Have Looked To Him To Lead Us To.”

Even as a registered Independent I had been considering him to be my choice.

Now I don't know.

We’ll see. The theme is very much on my mind. 

But I am, still, trying to regain my balance from my recent car accident.

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