Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Preview Of Coming Attractions

Lost Hope Regained: Book One -- Camelot Disrupted

Now in progress.

"It’s here!” she exclaimed, almost child-like in her delight.  “My time has come!” 

The silent but certain voice she had heard that one time of her Prophecy now appeared again to her. As she relaxed into the comfort of its hushed fullness, she heard it speak.

Then the woman let out a breath, almost a sigh and widened her stance in defense of something not yet quite seen, as if  pictures she now saw, coalescing in front of her carried messages of such weight she would need to readjust herself in order to take them in fully.

But of one thing she was certain, the predicted term of her return to the nation's capital with essential survival tools to help save her country, as prophesied many decades ago, had now arrived.