March 25, 2022 -- Update in progress
Anastasia's Prophecy -- August 7, 1974
The day before Richard Nixon resigned as President of the United States of America, due to his culpability in the Watergate break-in scandal.
Wikipedia defines “prophecy” as a statement that something will happen in the future or the power or ability to know what will happen in the future. This definition fits with what occurred for me on August 7, 1974, the day before Nixon resigned his presidency as a result of the Watergate scandal.
To understand what this affair brought to my life, by way of prophecy, is to grasp the significance of what has happened since for me. The evidence speaks for itself.
The “instructions” of My Prophecy came to me while I was lying on a gurney in an operating recovery room, having just come out of surgery for a corneal transplant. This transplant, my fourth, was to be successful and enduring.

Letter I wrote to myself just
after Nixon announced
he would resign.
The earlier three had failed due to rejections, fostered mainly by my survivor/addict acting outBut this one would serve me well for close to twenty-five years, only to reject in the heat of another presidential scandal; the Clinton-Lewinsky affair.
Now isn't that interesting!
The coincidence of that circumstance alone, the impact on me of the Clinton affair -- body, mind and spirit, might alert you to the significance for me, directly tied to Watergate, of my abilities to SEE -- even to prophesize potentialities -- and to also fight against seeing.
Where did the roots of that lay?
It would take me decades to answer that question.
You will learn, as my tale unfolds, how vitally important, through all of this, truth-telling, truth-hearing and an overall pledge to as full a consciousness possible became for me, intrinsically woven into what was to become my life-long passion; transforming the Dark Side in American society and politics.
My prophecy, as I understand it today, was a “call to adventure” that would be my adventure of a lifetime!
Its initial directive sent me off in search of answers to two main questions --
Question #1 was:How could the President of the United States of America lie to the American people?
Question #2 was:How could so many people believe this lying president, or seem to?
It has now been almost fifty years since that day of My Prophecy and my dedication to following it has defined the course of my life!
It came in the form of a voice that seems, to this day, only to have come from a Higher Source beyond me, or did it?
It was accompanied by a hazy image of an entity, (In the fictionalized version of this tale to be presented in my forthcoming Camelot Disrupted, that voice takes shape as the Oversoul of my alter-ego, Meda Rose, and well might it have always been that Oversoul of mine that spoke to me that day in the recovery room.)
The voice instructed me as follows.
“Your instruction/assignment is..."
"Find the answer to your two questions. Then -- bring what you discover back to the nation’s capital, as well as the entire nation, to the best of your ability when you have them;
Share freely all that you learn -- about the Dark Side of politics and society -- with others and how to transform it to its Higher Good for the sake of this nation and the people of it;
Then fully accept and enjoy that which you have come to "see" and know about by both “analyzing and solving certain specific problems. (The dynamics of collusion between power addicts and co-depenents #1)”
The "doing" will become your pot of gold!
The challenge, however, has always been -- and still is -- that “knowing” the answers to my questions and “doing/applying solutions” are not the same.
The latter, application of knowledge in this case, as it turns out, is totally a “we” thing.
Yet even when I know that this "we" thing might need to begin with me, I falter, still afraid as I was as a child to speak truth to power.
Oh dear. Oh dear. But I am working on it.
To understand what this affair brought to my life, by way of prophecy, is to grasp the significance of what has happened since for me. The evidence speaks for itself.
The “instructions” of My Prophecy came to me while I was lying on a gurney in an operating recovery room, having just come out of surgery for a corneal transplant. This transplant, my fourth, was to be successful and enduring.
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Letter I wrote to myself just after Nixon announced he would resign. |
The earlier three had failed due to rejections, fostered mainly by my survivor/addict acting out
Now isn't that interesting!
Update: January 23, 2019
Also see -- What Watergate taught me.
I am preparing now to lay out the wisdom behind my
well-orchestrated "return to the D.C. fast track" with messages of guidance and hope for a day to come in which the citizens
of the United States of America will, more and more, choose for our nation to be a country guided by Light superseding Darkness, as our Founding Fathers intended.
I have worked diligently, now, for close to fifty years to bring my fellow citizens, certain, very special the golden nuggets of wisdom, seeded by my mentor. Then carefully nurtured by me and
grown to what I believe to be maturity, over these many decades past.
My story begins with a prophecy (which I have described below), my passion to understand the dynamics
Watergate prompted me to see that I did not yet understand and the motivations
behind that passion.

Sometimes when we can see the least with our eyes,
we are able to see the most.

we are able to see the most.
Then my meeting Martin G. Groder, M.D., a psychiatrist, who became my mentor for more than ten years, until his own, personal Dark Side, sabotaged a beautiful teaching relationship that had at one time become collegial.
You can read about Marty, some of the history of what went into our innovative work together and the theories that evolved from it, stemming from my need to understand what I could glean from the Watergate scandal, and the dynamics I saw as operative between Richard Nixon and his constituents in the American public.
There are a variety of articles related to my work with Marty throughout
this site and on my Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A
Lifetime site.
The basic principles of what you will read of my work, have to do with how I
view society and politics. These came to me, initially, out of Groder's
original thinking.
I hope you will use what I offer here with the honor and respect this endeavor
of mine merits, having been one of very few driving forces behind the course my
life has taken. Dedication and the discipline behind it to stick to an
objective of such magnitude and long duration, as this has been for me,
warrants due consideration.
Even more, I hope that what I have achieved will serve to inspire you.
Updated: June 11, 2017
The importance of "My Prophecy" for the era we are presently living in, the
era of "Trump and Team in the White House," is that this prophecy of
mine, as recounted below, emerging out of the Watergate break-in and serving as
a life-long assignment for me, has had as its objective that I would bring
certain of the lessons my adventures brought me, as gifts to you, whomever you
are, with the hope that, with these, I would be contributing to helping to
better our world.
My "call to adventure," as Joseph Campbell described such promptings
in the Hero
With A Thousand Faces, began with my needing to
answer certain questions for myself -- and -- someday, bring back to the
nation's capital, specifically, the citizens of the U.S.A., nationwide, and
then to the populations of the world -- my findings.
Why I was so compelled to do this is something I still ponder.
Perhaps, as I seem to be discovering, these days, this whole adventure, in its entirety, is simply a blessing for me, of my being gifted to see, on occasion, beyond the ordinary. "My Prophecy" is a miracle that has guided my entire adult life! And, I would do well to simply accept it, in that vein.
In answering the two qustions posed setting me off on my own personal a personal adventure , with Marty's guidance and support, I created an entire, comprehensive working approach to dealing with the Dark Side in society and politics.
Not bad for an outcome from being enchanted, I'd say!
Perhaps, as I seem to be discovering, these days, this whole adventure, in its entirety, is simply a blessing for me, of my being gifted to see, on occasion, beyond the ordinary. "My Prophecy" is a miracle that has guided my entire adult life! And, I would do well to simply accept it, in that vein.
In answering the two qustions posed setting me off on my own personal a personal adventure , with Marty's guidance and support, I created an entire, comprehensive working approach to dealing with the Dark Side in society and politics.
Not bad for an outcome from being enchanted, I'd say!
Note: September 26, 2016.
On the eve of the first presidential candidates debate
for 2016, I pray that the wisdom and expertise I have gained as a result of the
quest I have been on can serve our country at this desperately critical and
challenging time.
If you are reading this and are inspired by what I am sharing, please use me, especially at this critical time, in any way you think I can be of service!
If you are reading this and are inspired by what I am sharing, please use me, especially at this critical time, in any way you think I can be of service!
I can be reached at: or by cell at: 240.409.5347
May we all come
through this time safe and secure and be able to realize a healthy and
prosperous future.
of today, March 17, 2019, the application of the teachings I have accrued from
this adventure I have been on are about to be set in motion through the
following New Horizons Support Network, Inc. non-profit organization that I
founded and head as Executive Director –
· New
Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME events, support groups and training – now in
- ·
soon to be launched Truth Or Dare Movement. Destination: Capital Hill;
- ·
Or Dare discussion and dialogue seminars;
- · An updated Possible Human, Possible Society Study – now being updated.
I/we hope you
will join us in some of these endeavors, at least.
For personal, relationship or group coaching and consulting, based on the wisdom I have accrued as Anastasia The Super Sleuth, in my seeking to reform the Dark Side in society and politics, I can be reached at: or by cell at: 240.409.5347
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