Over the years, an occasional interested person or so has inquired of me just how I thought my prophecy would be manifest.
This manifesting is no easy task.
However, one thing seems to be clear.
The moment appears, now, to have arrived for the predictions of my prophecy to move forward into optimum action!
Therefore I am beginning to prepare for what lies ahead as I start to present, increasingly, the wisdom that prompts my intended "return to the D.C. fast track," with messages of guidance and hope for a day to come in which the citizens of the United States of America will, more and more, choose for our nation to be a country wherein Light supersedes Darkness.
I have worked diligently, now, for more than forty-five years to bring my fellow citizens of the U.S.A. the golden nuggets of wisdom I have so carefully seeded, nurtured and grown to harvest, over these many decades past.
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How does Anastasia find Light in Darkness? |
My story begins with my meeting Martin G. Groder, M.D., a psychiatrist who became my mentor for more than ten years, until his own, personal Dark Side, sabotaged a beautiful teaching relationship that eventually became colleguel.
Marty believed in evil.
One of his core principles, passed on to me was that --
“Convicts and high leadership people have the same basic personality structure. The only difference being that convicts play the game of life from an anti-social position and high leadership people play their games in socially acceptable ways.”Having substantiated this theory with much research, backed up by my developing healing strategies Groder imparted to me, I am prompted to throw my hat in the ring, at this time, so to speak, in conjunction with the non-profit organization, New Horizons Support Network, Inc. I founded and currently direct, to do what I/we can to help shift our current national climate.
With darkness corrupting even our highest office in the land, the presidency, the time seems appropriate, now, for me to bring to light what Groder, originally, taught me and which I have, since, expanded upon and refined.
So here goes! This article is my first official move forward!
Groder, having spent a good number of years as the prison psychiatrist at the maximum security facility, the Marion Federal Penitentiary, built to replace Alacatraz, back in the late 1960s, learned how to, not only manage the dark side of some of this country's most deadly criminals, but also to transform evil into its higher good -- almost a miracle and without doubt a mighty task.
Could it be possible that even mainstream America could learn to clean up its act correspondingly?
I'm betting that some of us can. And I am making ready to lead the effort.
Groder taught me how to also do this transformative work, exceedingly well, which is how I have developed into the impactful GAME Conductor of the New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME that I have now become.
You can read about Marty, some of the history of what went into our work together and the theories that evolved from it, stemming out of my need to understand what I could glean from the Watergate scandal and the dynamics I saw as operative between Richard Nixon and his constituents in the American public; all of which came of Groder's original thinking.
I hope you will use what I offer here and wherever else I make this treasure trove available, with respect.
I have waited a very long time, until the time would be just right, to present it to you!
Now is my time! Let's make it ours!
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