Saturday, October 28, 2023

"Overload An Organism With Stimuli And It Will Fragment

...and reorganize at a higher level," stated Ilya Prigogine, winner of the 19..Nobel Prize for biology, summarizing his discoveries in creating his "Theory of Dissipative Structures that had won him the prize.

Look at yourself, your friends and family, your co-workers, the members of your community. Aren't you and all those around not living this phenomenon right now -- greatly the product of our pandemic.

Prigogines theory illuminates the process of human evolution under stress. And yet we still have choices: personal and collective transformation is one way. Mental illness, suicide and other forms of violence are others.

It is a choice.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

And We've Got a Lot To Talk About ...

October 6, 2023

Our Ms Class -- Study Group is beginning to put down roots deep into our Harper's Ferry soil on the side of one of the mountains that became a battlefield during the  Civil War. We take equality, social justice and peace very seriously here.

And this class, now entering its "Second Season" is becoming Step #1 of our training ground for the mind -- clear thinking, hearts open, community- building a "zone of peace" -- that we are intent on doing here - "Becoming BlackBearMountainVillage."

Communication, honest and caring -- refineded into an art form is key! (Check out NH/ZOP on "Dialogue vs debate.")


October 5, 2023

We've got a lot to talk about ...You and I -- if you are like minded with me -- not being "sames" but ideologically.

From here forth I'm going to be on the road to becoming more and more accessible -- umm? 

Storytelling will be one of our most important vehicles - my stories, your stories, our collective stories.

I" going to become more open to meaningful dialogue with more people - in the service of doing my part in overcoming polarization and building that "possible society" we've been visioning, by coming together to pool our human resources and reinforce our strengths

I'm committing myself to being more publicly and privately visible. I hate the thought of it! But here I go anyway because it is TOTALLY clear to me that I DO know how to do battle with the darkness and potentially  defeat it. Or at least give it a run for the money.

But only as a team effort -- a team already in the making, intent on doing our best to defeat the dark, an opportunity we must actively rise to meet and our gift if we take it as such. It is imperative that we now  work together to achieve this end. You do see that, don't you?

None of us should sit on the sidelines. You do your part -- and -- I do mine. 

Tomorrow I won't want to believe I'm having the Chutzpah to come out and say this so boldly. But here it is!

Long time coming!

We here at Black Bear Mountain Village marked and celebrated the "official" beginning of my "Prophecized Return" to the nation's capital, bringing me to see my role and hoping we can travel together some for awhile.

Quite a journey its been for me to get here -- and blindness and threatened blindness aren't even half of the story although Clarity -- body mind and spirit are more than half.

Please let us pull together and do our utmost to overcome polarization and corruption in our country. 

You do SEE -- don't you -- we've got work to do?  Talking together about this stuff and the challenges now facing us is a start.