Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Coming Soon! The True Story Behind --:

To See Or Not To See -- And The Art Of Transcendent Living: A True Story About Clarity

Also coming soon --
Anatasua's Eye 
Patch Party Fund

Dedicated to providing scholarship funds for the traing and development of qualified applicants seeking ever-increasing clarity -- body, mind and spirit and a commitment to contributing that clarity out into the world --compassionately.

Did you know I had my right eye surgically removed?

Well I did. In December, 
2019 - just before the pandemic closed alwmost everything down. And, of course you didn't know I have battling threatened blindness in my left eye since February.

Indeed -- I am challenged once again and also transforming out of my body going through the ordeal.

I want to talk to you -- a lot -- between now and next year at b this time about SEEING WITH  CLARITY and its importance for your life -- and ours.

Why this time frame?

It all gets back to Kennedy’s words --

"Ask not what your country can do for you, bit what can I do for my country."

More to come.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Meda Rose.(Standing in for Anastasia) Takes Her First Steps To Becoming An Activist - An Excerpt

Excerpted from -- Camelot Disrupted: Book One of Lost Hope Regained.

Deep inside her, the meaning of these words of JFK -- "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” -- spoken so movingly, would grow in significance as
the seeds of the future social activist, now firmly planted and growing inside of Meda --

But it would take another watershed moment added to two more politically-motivated late 1960s assassinations, that of Martin Luther King Jr. And Bobby Kennedy and another great loss and societal upheaval involving a sitting president, Richard Nixon —an event that would forever change the American political landscape and the views held of the Presidency—to give rise to the activist Meda was meant to become. Her personal destiny and her country’s were to be on a course of convergence.

And so it was that on Labor Day weekend, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of Anastasia's losing her eyesight, Anastasia -- Marcia who is becoming Meda Rose and her dearest board members quitletly marked and celebrated that day, September 2 as 
Anastasia's Day Of "Formally" Launch Her Prophecized Return"

More to come.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Moments After "Camelot Disrupted" -- An Excerpt


Excerpted from -- Camelot Disrupted: Book One of Lost Hope Regained.

And in the blink of an eye, Meda’s and an entire generation’s dreams were challenged, unimaginably, by two bullets from a long-barreled rifle. 

Were dreams that fragile that they could die with one iconic man?

The assassination of JFK would truly dim the lights of Kennedy's Camelot, the myth of King Arthur come alive once more -- for a time -- so it was that Meda, the future visionary activist heard herself vowing quietly to herself that though JFK was to be dead, the ideals of Camelot were not. 

Many would carry the message Kennedy had instilled in them—words encouraging service. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” and Meda would be one of them.