Read about Anastasia's commitment to bringing her stories, personal and professional, to the general public here.
Introducing Anastasia The Storyteller
(Formerly Marcia E. Rosen)
A once famous Washington, D.C. businesswoman with clients in the White House and on Capitol Hill, Ms. Rosen-Jones has frequently appeared as a guest speaker and on radio and television talk shows.

Recognized by the media in Washington newspapers, on radio and television, including Voice Of America, next the front page of the Wall Street Journal and as far-away as the Boston Globe, Anastasia/Marcia would before too long receive a standing ovation from Washington’s Advertising Club with membership from NBC, CBS and ABC, along with representatives of local and nationwide ad agencies, as Ms. Success.
Indeed, Anastasia was flying high and could barely walk down the streets of Washington without being asked for her autograph!
Yet she was already being identified as an enigma, back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. So much so that a young National Press Building journalist started writing a three-act play about her, using his journalistic skills in an attempt to plumb the mysteries of Marcia, as she was called then.
What was the story behind this up and coming young woman’s success story? What was the back story, prompting her to break with a traditional woman’s role, daring to take on the
Washington elite, mostly male, high-riders surrounding the White House and Capitol Hill, seemingly without a flinch?
She seemed to have come out of nowhere and before an eye blink positioned herself at the center of Washington’s fast track life through her astute business acumen.
To this day, many years after that early start, Anastasia is still an enigma to most people, even those who know her well. However, she explains away the mystery, suggesting that the origins of her intriguing nature originate in her growing-up as she did, a teen-ager close to her father, owner of Hollywood’s Custom Corner (circa 1951 – 1960), partnered with designer, George Barris who would eventually be known worldwide as the creator of the Batmobile, the Knight Rider and other famous celebrity automobiles.
Nothing odd about it for me,” she states. “My father and George showed me how to think outside the box, the sky’s the limit. Typical Hollywood! Not so ordinary in late-60s Washington, D.C.”
Fast Forward: Expertise as a psychological/sociological researcher and clinical strategist
Today M. Anastasia Rosen-Jones (formerly Marcia E. Rosen) is a retired psychotherapist, having left the D.C. fast track well behind, with more than twenty-five years in private practice in her suburban Washington office, also behind her, where she specialized in treating relationship and personality addictions, especially the aggressive/power addict she had come to know with grave familiarity in Washington and the passive addict, widely known as the codependent personality.
Once past her entrepreneurial years in D.C., Ms. Rosen-Jones moved on to become a Certified Transactional Analyst psychotherapist, a researcher of the Dark Side of society and politics, a healer and transformer of the Dark Side and eventually an author.
Anastasia’s main focus in this area has been on the collusion between the two interrelated sides of the Dark: 1. The aggressive addict (i.e. the prototypical drug and/or alcohol addicted, gambler etc.), including the power-addicted, as well as those having addictions to money, status, control, righteousness and anger; and 2. The co-dependent enabler.
Anastasia began developing her ingenious strategies for addressing the problem areas between aggressive/power-addicted addicts and the passive addict based on her personal experiences in Washington. Her expertise grew out of research done by Ms. Rosen-Jones as she was completing her undergraduate work in the Women's Studies Department of the University of Maryland, College Park, majoring in "Counseling The Woman In Transition.” The study begun in 1984, continues to be updated as needed to the present day.
Her clinical and organizational theories and intervention strategies, originally seeded under the supervision (1980 -- 1990) of psychiatrist Martin G. Groder, M.D., provided her the training she needed to excel in this specialized discipline. Under the tutelage and guidance of this mentor, a former prominent prison psychiatrist known for rehabilitating repeat offenders, developing groundbreaking treatment strategies and generating inordinately low recidivism rates in the federal corrections system, she became adept.
Her forays into this area first took shape during her term as the Clinical Director of a shelter for abused women, under Dr. Groder's supervision in the early 80s.
During her twenty-five years as a private practice psychotherapist, based in Montgomery County, Maryland, Ms. Rosen-Jones came to be known as one of the first clinicians to identify and treat both the addict personality and the addict society. In this capacity she was often described as the one person that could “cure em, if anybody could.”
Anastasia expanded upon Groder's thinking and application of theories into areas that integrated accepted primal and early childhood development principles, adult relationship and family intervention practices, conflict resolution and community development strategies with theories and practical applications derived from great thinkers such as David Bohem, Stanislov Grof and, most profoundly, the noted Sufi Master, Murat Yagan.
Influences Of Watergate
Given Ms. Rosen-Jones' close proximity to the Washington political arena and her equally close connection, emotionally, spiritually and practically, to the Watergate break-in episode in which associates of hers played not insignificant roles, her focus on interactions between power addicts and codependents arose naturally. Prompted by the Watergate scandal, Ms. Rosen has, in fact, dedicated her life's work to understanding and treating problems that arise out of the collusive and sometimes deadly connections between these two types of addicts: the aggressive addict and the passive.
From this beginning, Ms. Rosen-Jones built her career forward, based on her assessment of how it was that a president, then Richard Nixon, of the United States of America could so blatantly lie to the American people and lead many of them to believe him/her. Of course, this background is of the utmost importance today in the era of the Trump presidency!
One of the most notable gifts Anastasia has to offer comes of her "storytelling" about her years in Washington and what they taught her. These years and leaving them behind led to her clinical analysis of Watergate -- and how to transform the Dark Side of that environment, sometimes called “the swamp."
Anastasia's story of how she came to this devotion emerges out of a prophecy she had at the time of the Watergate hearings. You can read it here.
The amalgamation of these influences has brought Anastasia to a position of praise and recognition for having created an extraordinary model for both personal and collective health and well-being with profound implications for this era of social and political upheaval.
Anastasia is now a retired psychotherapist, educator, social researcher, personal and community development and violence prevention consultant and coach and public speaker whose touching and inspiring personal journey is offered through her books, as well as on her blogs, as teaching stories.
To her credit, Ms. Rosen-Jones now has six books in various stages of progress, numerous articles, three intriguing blog sites and two online radio shows.
Anastasia’s Random House Trilogy
In the summer, 1988 Anastasia was approached by an editor from Random House, offering her what turned out to be, in today’s monies a $100,000 book publishing contract. What luck, a publishing contract with one of the world’s top publishers, achieved without a single prior submission and no rejections!
The psychological and sociological theories and treatment strategies Anastasia had researched and advanced, based 0n Dr. Groder’s original perspectives, and developed to address the problems of their expertise thus became the basis for three books that grew out of this contract: Surviving Addictions (1991), Journey Back To Me (1995) and Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Lifetime (1998). These were sold to Random House (1989), but not published due to Anastasia's losing her eyesight (1998). Two of these books are now being published online in excerpts at Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Life.
The three books known as Ms. Rosen-Jones' "Random House Trilogy" are based, not only on this research, but also include anecdotal details on Anastasia's training experiences with Dr. Groder which make them of particular interest.
One of the main premise of these books, emerging out of Ms. Rosen-Jones original, cutting edge research, is that contemporary women have become more addicted, not less. As a consequence women now can often be seen taking on the aggressive addict patterns formerly characteristic of men. How this is affecting our changing social norms and day-to-day activities is not infrequently of great concern to Ms. Rosen-Jones.
The collection of all three books is now being updated for application to our present-day challenges. Look for blog posts on these.
Beyond The Blind Years (1998 – 2006)
Blindness dramatically altered Anastasia’s way of doing, being and "seeing" the world -- and -- eventually her way of presenting herself, moving her beyond private practice psychotherapy and into community service.
She now wants us to be able to learn from her experiences. Building upon the foundations of these three earlier works, Ms. Rosen-Jones, through sharing her personal story of recovery from blindness and reentry into the mainstream world, guides us to explore the higher realms of personal and social consciousness -- and -- how these, as an ethical system, can be best applied to everyday life.
Two of Anastasia's three new books (in progress); To See Or Not To See And The Art Of Transcendent Living; A True Story Of Clarity and The Middle East Crisis In My Backyard: How Communities Come Apart And How They Heal chronicle Anastasia's challenges of re-entering the post 9/11 culture of the U.S.A. as seen through the expert eyes of one who is both a private American citizen and a community development and violence prevention specialist.
Written after she regained her eyesight, Ms. Rosen-Jones invites the American public to walk with her as she confronts limited sight and challenges the obstacles to regaining her vision after an extended time, in a mainstream America, often not seeing so much that is happening around them.
From this perspective Anastasia asks citizens of this country to examine their personal blind spots, be they physical, emotional or spiritual, and face up to their personal resistances to altering habitual patterns. She points to the culture-wide acceptance of minimizing what might be right in front of our eyes: the denial and acceptance of lying that pervades our society and politics.
Along with this confrontation to others, Anastasia also offers an equally strong message of hope.
The first of these new works, To See or Not To See And the Art of Transcendent Living: A True Story Of Clarity, is a story of Ms. Rosen-Jones' personal struggles to live with and then recover from blindness, under the guidance of spiritual teacher and tribal leader, Murat Yagan. Murat guided Anastasia through her blindness ordeal spiritually, and assisted her in developing an art form for individual and social transformation that has now become the New Horizons' Small "Zones of Peace" Project.
This art form is introduced through the various programs and projects of the New Horizons’ Small “Zones of Peace” Project.
The second of Anastasia's new books in progress, The Middle East Crisis in My Backyard: How Communities Come Apart And How They Heal, is a memoir of how Ms. Rosen-Jones' efforts to re-engage with the sighted world landed her a central and anguish-infused role in a local Jewish/Muslim controversy.
Returning to mainstream life as a Rip Van Winkle-kind of character in this post-911 era, this manuscript in progress is offered as both a memoir and as a guidebook for active personal and community engagement. It highlights the obstacles facing our contemporary society in an age of terrorism as seen through the waxed paper-like veil of a recovering blind woman, finding her way back to normalcy in a changed world she left behind almost a decade before.
Anastasia's third book, Hot Pants, Motorcycles And K Street, has an entirely different tone. It gets down into the dark and the dirty of the Washington political and social scene and the impact it can have on young adult females, with Ms. Rosen-Jones sharing how her close to ten years involvement in Washington's fast track, as a young, celebrity entrepreneur served to be the fire pit of her initiation into adult life.
Also read about Anastasia in the Frederick News Post.
For additional details and information, consultations, program proposals and reservations contact Anastasia.
SuperSleuth'd Coaching And Consulting at:
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