Lessons to heed: #MeToo Tip --
Point of advice in striving for a successful #MeToo issue resolution, make sure you make your complaint and have it addressed in the country where your violation or assault occured. Also make sure the officials managing your charge are people of this country too.
#MeToo-type charges cannot, as a rule, be successfully addressed and managed beyond the country and outside of the culture where they originate.
Note to readers:
Today I am inclined to change my running commentary regarding the Ethics Complaint process, mostly an ordeal, I have been undergoing, shifting my title to "Ethics Complaint Contemplation," rather than "Ethics Complaint Update," for what I will be writing forward, alongside my new "Lead Into Gold" series.
My "Contemplations" will also be including tips from the lessons I've learned in this experience to pass on to others, also dealing with #MeToo complaints. Regarding my own Ethics Complaint, there can be little more to say, for now, of any updates from me.
Both parties, the ITAA and its Ethics Committee and myself have reached a place of impasse for the present. So "Contemplation" seems more apt as I ponder whether or not to take the present state up another notch to legal action or not
That certainly is my right. But for now I just want to consider things. If you, as a reader of my blogs would like to offer comments, they would be most welcome.
You will almost never hear me using slang or swear words. Well, almost never!
However, on the day I discovered that my Ethics Complaint for sexual harassment and power abuse by my ITAA (international Transactional Analysis Association) training mentor had been sent to South Africa for handling, I said F..k!

I suspected, with this, that my endeavor to get support and resolve on my complaint might not easily go well.
And, indeed, it did not!
“How could an ethics complaint for the charges I was presenting, based completely on a series of occurences that had occurred solely on American soil, with all players Americans, especially at a time of heightened concern, in the U.S.A where a movement had started, on the very issue I was complaining about, male sexual aggression and dominance, be handled in f..king S. Africa,” I asked myself, again and again.
South Africa, no less!!
Forever after, to this day, when I’ve quit and they’ve fired me, I can’t help but referring to the ITAA Ethics Committee as being in “F…king South Africa!”
F..k must always be paired here with South Africa!
South Africa, double, no less!
A country that has barely embraced the #MeToo agenda of speaking out about sexual harassment and abuse and, much less, taking meaningful action on the issue, according to reports I’ve read such as this one, South Africa’s #MeToo gap: "No accountability for high-profile men."
I might even be in BIG trouble, I told myself, at the time. And, so I was, all the way through!
Today, I just wanted to get that craziness off my chest, as I go forward on my next agenda, turning the lead in me about this ordeal into gold, a challenging effort, for sure.
I've been carrying a grievance and a fear over this for going on ten months.
Now I've said it!
Ummh, it feels good. Lead into gold good!
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