Dear Readers and Supporters,
This will be a critically important update on the unfolding saga of my Ethics Complaint, if you are interested in it -- and -- what you might learn from it, personally, about managing the many dilemmas of the #Metoo Movement.
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A Tale Of Two Sexual Abusers/HarassersIn that piece, I went on to state – |
The reason this is a significant piece of the unfolding has to do with the elements now, actively, in motion.
Some of the components have to do with my now, not only having completed writing up the basic documentation for the complaint, a timeline of events, readying it for submission sometime next week, but also I am in the process of taking my final steps of the preparation, writing an important cover letter and gathering my supporting documents.
These measures, prompted my immersion in several unusual events this past weekend:
- I was celebrating my twenty-second wedding anniversary with the man I wrote of earlier in my article, “A Tale Of Two Sexual Harassers/Abusers,” that I will call “Abuser #1” and;
- I was for the first time, telling "Abuser #1" my story, in detail about “#Abuser #2,” the one who is the object of my Ethics Complaint.
“Twenty-five years ago I was being abused and harassed in sexually-related situations by two men, concurrently.”And –
“In 1996 I married one of these men! I am with him still today, more or less.
And, now, I have a professional ethics complaint pending, regarding the other.”I then posed this question –
“How could that possibly come about?,”-- suggesting that I would share the story at a forthcoming Beyond Gender Tyranny forum (which did not, as it turns out, come off for reasons, having much to say on the subject of "No, Not Me" The #Metoo Movement And The Issue Of Male Resistance”.
In that February article I added –
“My story has much to teach about the “what to do” and the “what not to do” in gender relationships!"From that point on (the article was posted on February 9, 2018, almost three months ago), I went through the aggravating, seemingly almost inhumane process the Ethics Committee of the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA) insisted upon in order for me to file my complaint.
(As it has turned out, I have benefited immensely from following the rules of the ITAA Ethics Committee. Nonetheless, their process, as I have experienced it, to date, still remains inhumane, in my book!)
You may also recall that on April 17 I announced, on this site, that I had completed the documentation for the complaint.
What have I done since then about the complaint?
Well, as is my way, I next sought to have what I had written reviewed by a few of my closest associates; namely New Horizons Board Member, Small “Zones of Peace” Project program collaborator and Spirit Sister, Sue deVeer, and secondly that same man, #Abuser #1, who had sexually abused me, concurrently with the subject of my Ethics Complaint, and that I had married and am still with today, more or less.
You will understand the “more or less” when I finally reveal the mystery about him which is now, based on the events of the past weekend, about to be unveiled!
And – it is BIG!
Suffice it to say that, as I now make my way through the twists and turns of the final steps of preparation needed in order to submit my completed Ethics Complaint, as dictated by the ITAA Ethics Committee, all kinds of secrets and obscured events are coming to the surface, bringing me to realize that the ones about “Abuser #1” can no longer be dodged. Nor should they be as there will be merit of significance once they are aired.
So if you are at all interested in this saga of mine, keep reading my “tell all” that is on its way.
It will be a whopper when, finally, I open the floodgates to my untold stories!
Most importantly these stories, in their completion, will have so much to teach, by way of modeling that which I suggested at an earlier time –
“My story has much to teach about the “what to do” and the “what not to do” in gender relationships in the era of #Metoo!
To get a taste of what is forthcoming, listen to the podcast of my recent Anastasia The Storyteller Radio, titled --
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