Monday, May 21, 2012

Turning Points

I was trying to get all things New Horizons as well as myself up on our toes at our most recent Abkhazian Dinner. And, I/we would have been content enough with simply presenting as much as time would allow. However, as far as covering the bases we had in mind, we certainly achieved our ends; mission complete!
It was the lift that was
most important.

We were, nonetheless, without the foresight to predict that New Horizons has been lifted up to significant heights since our last Abkhazian Dinner. In the three years that has elapsed, the whole of the package of programs and projects that make up the New Horizons Support Network, Inc. has grown with a surprising and majestic leap into a brand new era.

Of course, the reasons behind such motion are not our’s alone. And, though the tangible results are still a long way off, the motion is visible now to those of us behind the scenes, particularly our board members. Yet what we are seeing is more truly about collective motion, people doing their part, now accelerating around us of which we are but a small piece.

Still Abkhazian Dinner event with its array of teachable moments, emerging from it, became a turning point for New Horizons. Event became process without our needing to do more than our planned presentation up against the backdrop of our Possible Human, Possible Society Study and a most interesting collection of attendees.

I cannot say it better than I did a few postings back, this year’s Abkhazian Dinner event has launched – “A rich and important process. Not just an event. We will never see the end of what began …. but we will always remember where our adventure originated.”

Do you see what we see?

More to come.

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