Bill Clinton lied about Monica Lewinsky -- and -- I went blind!
Donald Trump with his disregard for ethics, lying again and again, way beyond the norm even for a politician, like Clinton, is now in the process of being impeached.
And here I am again, blind!
Fortunately, only in my right eye this time.
Richard Nixon lied about the Watergate break-in, among other things.
Coincidentally the day before he resigned I was gifted with renewed sight by virtue of a cornea transplant, that served me well for twenty-five years --
(The day before Nixon gave up his presidential office, immediately following my cornea transplant, a prophecy came to me, guiding my life ever since to make sense, specifically, of such happenings, the dark side of society and politics, lying and corruption especially. )
Note: That is the same eye that has now been irretrievably lost.
Isn’t that weird?

Three presidents lying to the American people, extensively enough to warrant impeachment proceedings -- and -- side by side, three major, life-changing eye crises for me, a person whose entire adult life has been played out, with much emotional content having to do with Washington politics, business and social networks.
These coinciding incidents might actually somehow be connected in the realm of universal laws, in the soul/psyche of a person, me in this instance?
But how and why, in the greater scheme of things? Who can know for sure?
However, having lived the many adventures of my life, 24/7, I know the back story. So, in a manner of speaking, the connections make sense to me.
My story is an amazing tale, especially in its entirety when the extent of body, mind and spirit entwining are included.
I’m ready now for the telling that almost no one has been privy to yet.
You are sure to find it entertaining, maybe even enlightening, particularly if respecting the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit holds water for you.
Even more so, if our present socio-political situation is eating at you, as it has been me.
We at New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace are preparing now for the telling, coming soon, in bits and pieces on both Anastasia The Storyteller Radio and The Possible Society In Motion Radio, each with its own unique emphasis.
I think the core of the message I wish to drive home is that it is a devotion to ethics and common decency, including truth-telling and truth-listening, where respect for each and every person is upheld, that is the heart of good, healthy living. This perspective makes sense, deriving from every religious, esoteric and practical philosophy of higher consciousness.
So why is it not so popular, across the board in our country, free as we are, and in our Congress and in the Administrative Office of the President that leads our nation?
Why, at this point in time, in the evolution of humanity, is it not agreed upon that the only safe bet for our nation, long-term, is reliant on these ethics and values?
Why is the search for the highest truth attainable, not overriding partisanship and polarization?
Having trekked the life path I’ve followed, I’ve discovered the critical importance of knowing and acting upon the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, especially for solving problems.
New Horizons Truth or Dare GAME, in motion, demonstrates this like nothing else I know.
Adept at truth-telling and truth-hearing and having discovered the rewards, starting off with what Watergate taught me, and with more than forty years experience leading and participating in the GAME, the ultimate truth-lovers process. I can't help but ask myself,
“What is this craziness, this lying, denying and corruption, held to as though one’s life depends on it, this refusal to do fact-based conflict resolution that I see before my eyes when I turn to internet reports of the happenings now going on in Congress, the White House and other arms of the government and the media?”
I ask this of myself partially because I’m trying to understand how the stress of it all, in this era of Trump, reached such a peak for me personally, combined with my lifetime of battling keratoconus, a cone shaped disease of the cornea, to the point that I literally, albeit unconsciously, blinded myself, unaware that my stress and distress in this time of Trump, was paralleling what I did in the Clinton-Lewinsky situation, turning my angst into distress I expressed somatically.
The human body, mind and spirit intertwined can do this.
Nonetheless, please do not become fretful for me, in hearing of the loss of my eye.
From where I stand, having come through my surgeries and being quite well on the way to a wonderful healing, I am grateful, not remorseful for my loss is already bringing me gains – in health, quality of life – and – in what might surprise you, in my capacity to SEE beyond the ordinary into greater than before visionary capacities.
I rejoice in this!
I have traded in a diseased eye that had been producing one crisis after another for more than ten years.
Now I can, without the distractions of that burden, get on with the business of SEEING from my third eye, the one that brings me closer and closer to Divine reasoning and the wondrous wisdom this connection accrues.
Still here it is, then, right in the midst of the impeachment process against Donald Trump; my poor, dear right eye has taken its last breath and melted away.
Apparently political chaos can evoke an extreme physical response such as this in me, as, obviously, this is not the first time my right eye, seemingly with a mind of its own, has reacted to presidential malfeasance in this way. “Celebrating” Bill Clinton’s lying about Monica Lewinsky I responded similarly by completely shutting down, shutting out the world beyond me for eight long years, at least visually.
Weird you say? Craziness to think such thoughts?
However, if my situation is compared to that of others, someone else out there in these United States might, instead of loss of eyesight (although in my case, definitely, not loss of VISION), is having a heart attack or high blood pressure over our politics, as well as our societal problems that run across the board, touching so very many people and areas of life.
That’s how stress can manifest. Originating with our innate survival response, based in the reptilian brain, we humans often react to distress in this way, developing physical symptoms, a form of “acting in,” when other healthier alternatives seem out of reach.
Alternatively, some choose “acting out,” escalating racism and violence.
In my case it was my right eye that reacted, literally melting away, all on its own as nurses and doctors prepared me for my second emergency eye surgery in barely more than a month.
Be that as it may, underneath the sturm und drang of our present socio-political chaos, what is it that can hurt someone enough to generate a physical crisis such as mine?
What lies at the heart of it?
For truly it is the heart, literally, metaphorically, body, mind and spirit that is reacting in this way.
It hurt our U.S. citizens to their very core, watching the Watergate scandal unfold, in a way that remains with us today. Bill Clinton’s deceptiveness was infuriating, on the other hand. With a somewhat lesser degree of tragedy, in my opinion.
Why I think this, just now as I write this piece, warrants further consideration on my part.
Still I was already so totally immersed in writing my Random House Trilogy (1988 – 1998), intent on explaining what it was that Watergate had taught me – and – how New Horizons and myself might be able to offset similar situations, at least on a business and/or personal level, that I had not quite experienced the pain in Clinton’s case.
In our present circumstances, those of us who are not pro-Trump saw impeachment as a potential looming from the start that very morning after the 2016 election had culminated on election night, discovering Hillary to be the loser, Trump the winner, in the presidential race.
Impeachment was always on the table once Trump, the reality television president and Company took over the White House. Clinton not so much though he did bring his share of scandals, including the Whitewater and Paula Jones controversies.
Now here it is, the impeaching of Donald Trump.
The U.S. House of Representatives has moved forward with its impeachment investigation into actual Articles of Impeachment to be voted on next week. And I am crying at times – for our country and those who are being dragged through the mud in this drama.
Digging down deep through the many layers of that which disturbs me, I find grief. The grief in my heart, perhaps like your own, makes its way to the surface as my eyes burn with unshed tears.
But, as the Christmas song, “The Little Drummer Boy,” asks “Do you see what I see?”
While impeachment is not a time for rejoicing, lending, instead, a somber tone to these closing days 2019, as we head into the Christmas, Chanukah, Winter Solstice, Hadj season, there is a grander perspective of what is now happening on the earth plane, if you get high enough in your consciousness to SEE that all is well – on earth as it is in heaven.
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