Saturday, March 9, 2019

Anastasia's Possible Society "Love Letter"


I had a lovely, heartwarming adventure yesterday, on what, hopefully, was one of this winter's last cold, dreary snowy days.

I gave myself a gift of updating a "love letter" I had written about five years ago to participants in our first round of conducting New Horizons Possible Human, Possible Society Study.

As I took a step back to reflect on what I had written, yesterday, I felt such joy and exhilaration I just might have been flying on the wings of that eagle I spoke of on one of my recent Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Shows, as I tried to describe my feeling of "crossing over" from one mountain peak to another, marking the liberation I've created in my life as a result of how magnificently I managed my Ethics Complaint ordeal of last year, up against the obstructions of justice I encountered from my professional association, the International Transctional Analysis Association.

Anastasia with New Horizons
Community Development Mentor,
Murat Yagan
Many days, recently, it feels as if I created magic for myself in the doing that seems now to be spreading into New Horizons, the non-profit organization I founded and presently head.

Do take a moment to read that letter, posted on March 8 on the New Horizons Small "Zones of Peace" blog site, having to do with our newly, updated Possible Human, Possible Society Study to get a taste of the love in me, embodied in the work I do, through New Horizons, to help build a better world.

Maybe what I wrote will even prompt you to join me/us in the various projects and programs New Horizons is presently putting in motion, now that their "Chief" -- me - is no longer held captive by that old, undealt with #MeToo issue, having to do with my former psychiatrist mentor, Marty Groder.

You know, of course, you need only scroll down through last year's postings on this site to read about THAT!!


The sun is shining outside my window now prompting me to wish you a happy day.


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