Thursday, February 21, 2019

Truth Or Dare Is Truly Back Again! And, Anastasia Is Truly "Rising Again."

Read about New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME here.

After twenty, long, arduous almost death-defying years.

Oh, yes indeed, death-defying!

Along the way of living in blindness, up until now, this time of "She who rises again, " the Greek and Russian meanings of the name, Anastasia, and following the concluding of my ITAA (International Transactional Analysis Association) Ethics Complaint ordeal, there were days when I felt as if my very life was threatened, moments when I seriously struggled with wondering if I could manage to go on living another minute, or would want to die. 

To be clear, my "feeling like I'm dying times" were my "blind times." Not my Ethics Complaint times of last year though they genuinely did challenge both my lower and Higher Selves enough for me to notice how very easily they could have triggered this response. 

By the time of last year's trials and torments, however, I had already learned the art of transcendent living and had managed it, in this instance, with merit, I believe.

Yet, we all have these times. 

At least almost everyone I've ever met has. 

Or does their utmost to avoid them, fearing emotions such as these could overtake them, drag them under into the pits of death or burning in Hell where they would not be able to fend off these feelings, instead succumbing to them. 

However, imagine this -- New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME provides a safe enough, secure space to dig down into these depths of the Self and the Soul and transcend them all the way to AWE! 

We did this kind of excavating, transcending and transforming before I was blind, in the “old” New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME (originally called the Discount Derby). 

And, we are already touching this place once again, in some who are prepared to be our true Compassionate Warriors, in the “new.”

Truly amazing! 

Yet this digging and its resulting transformation are not the only reasons to play our GAME. Words like the following from George Orwell and our nationally esteemed Oprah Winfrey speak volumes about the "Why of playing our GAME."  

We hope their words inspire you to want to join us  in the adventure of playing New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME where we can, together, learn to work collectively and establish new trends for doing, being and living in our society and in our politics.

From George Orwell --
"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
We truly need revolutionary acts in this time of ours.

From Oprah
"What I know for sure is that speaking the truth is the most powerful tool we have."
And, we do need powerful tools to manage these times!

But I did not have the New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME when I was blind, one of my greatest losses from that era (1998 – 2006). Had I had it, would I have fared better?

I think not. I actually managed the ordeal quite well, given the circumstances.

Because during that time I had something even better, Kebzeh community under the guidance of our Beloved Murat Yagan which brought me teachings that, now, allow me to return with even greater gifts to the “new” Truth Or Dare GAME, than I might have, had I had taken another path. 

(New Horizons Bus Ride Story Adventure is one example of what I/we have brought from Murat and his teachings to New Horizons. One of our dearest dreams and intentions is to get this special tour bus on the road before too long.)

So all turned out just fine, as is; Murat and Kebzeh community being my main supports and guideposts, beyond my own, that allowed being blind to make a shaman of me!

Now, I am ever so grateful, these days, to be able, once again, to conduct this adventure called New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME and its associated GAME Community, with a growing number of compatriots.

Truly amazing!

My Beloved New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME is back again!

So am I, reclaiming the wholeness I once "felt" in myself that my term of blindness and recovery from blindness seemed to have shattered, for a time.

To find this in my life, once again, is to truly know the art of kintsugi, “the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art.”

Heavy lifting and the, still unexplainable, "crossing over" I discussed on one of my last radio shows, Breaking The (#MeToo) Silence And The Price It Exacts, has brought me here, along with lots of discipline, determination and clarity as to my goals – and – a hand full of loving, supportive people who are “like family,” if not of my blood.

This is truly living the Japanese art of kintsugi which I wrote about while I was going through my Ethics Complaint ordeal but never posted.

Does this notion of kintsugi make a cracked pot of me, put back together again with liquid gold?

Maybe. If so, I'll take it, flaws and imperfections and all else going with it. Such as the hard lessons and unexpected gifts that come along too.


Maybe I will get to posting that, almost forgotten, article, “On Kintsugi and The Art Of Putting The Fractured Parts Of Oneself Back Together With Gold,” before too long.

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