Monday, October 8, 2012

Something is a amiss

Something is amiss when a country such as the U.S.A., at this point in time, has an absence of genuine,  seasoned heroes, of voices that speak of wisdom and maturity, voices that unite its great causes.
Murat Yagan has been mentoring
Anastasia and New Horizons on peace
building since 1999.
Where are the voices of the unrivaled leaders to help guide our still adolescent country to its maturity?

Where are the voices of wisdom and reason, now, when we need them most to draw attention to the iniquities in our character bashing and smashing?
Where are our revered, wise elders to help us move beyond the disrespect being bred by our current electoral process?
Surely there will be a morning after the election wherein, somehow we will need to move beyond the chaos and find ways for the loser of this election to save face, rather than be humiliated. This will be the time when we must set our differences and controversies aside and place our feet aright on the forward path that goes beyond these.

The past few days, since last week’s presidential candidates’ debate, I have found myself hungering for the wisdom of elders; those voices that could help me, assist all of us who would listen, to see the light that seems so dim in the heat of this campaign.
I wondered what JFK would suggest had he grown old as an elder statesman of our country. What would Martin Luther King, Jr. advise us now? How would Gandhi  guide us with his words?

I googled Desmond Tutu, looking for insights. Finally, it occurred to me that my organization and myself were truly blessed to have Murat to mentor us. So I sent my plea off to him. I will let you know what he says, if and when he answers.  He is getting close to 100 now and his time is used very carefully and wisely. I do not know if what we Americans are into now will warrant his attention.
In the meantime, just simply setting my heart and mind to reaching out to his is a great comfort.

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