Saturday, November 12, 2022

To Share Or Not To Share

Part I: Anastasia the Storyteller returns -- officially -- with tales to tell: "Where I've been, where I am and where I'm going." -- The topic and what's in it for you.



Bread's in the oven baking away a.k.a. my/our book is -- at last -- beginning to take shape! And is it ever gonna be a tale to tell!

Yippee! Anastasia's true story fictionalized to heighten the pleasure I'm having turning my life's ups and downs and ultimate achievements out of it all into teaching tales -- specially designed to be, not only a tale to tell but a fictionalized, based on facts --backstory on how to make "exploring one's dark side" into a playbook for becoming a "possible human, building a possible society."

Such fun!

Definitely -- This work in progress is a lot about where I've been, where I am and where I'm going.

But it's been a long, hard journey to get here -- to this book of mine, Camelot Disrupted, truly being on its path to publication. Lots more to do for sure.

And I'm not quite sure what to do next in many ways, right here and now, including --

"What do I tell readers of my three interconnected blogs where I've been, now that I "feel" ready to return (to stay, not just pop in and out intermittently) with some good, even great wisdom, news, information and hopefully inspiration to share -- "G-d willing and the creek don't rise ?

I've almost disappeared from here for long periods of time since the pandemic began and feel quite lucky to continue to still have the loyal following I seem to have accrued, seriously diminished though its been.

But then who hasn't disappeared during these challenging, often scary times?

And who could possibly have avoided "diminishment" -- typical, for most of us, in multiple areas these past few years?

Nonetheless, I think I'm back. I hope so. I love the many gifts blog writing has given me now for more than a decade.

My story -- or at least a big part of it -- is about my book writing adventure -- initiated in early Ocober, 2020. The project was "supposed" to culminate in a publishable product by now!! which I would then have put in the hands of an agent -- according to the mega-thousands dollar contract we signed with a seemingly??? reputable New York Times bestselling ghost writing agency.  OMG!

But awfully disappointing with this first agency who we have every intention of bringing suit against for mega bucks!

Story for another time.

Nonetheless -- we are at last here at a joyful new beginning with a very promising new agency, heading for product completion -- and -- publication asap -- making a great story our priority.

Q: Why do I say "we" and "our"?

A: Because for a first time ever I have a writing team and a really good one. Best member, my BFF Sue. And THE SHARED adventure we are having in the doing is like nothing I've ever experienced before! 

And believe me when I say I've lived a life of adventure most always, as my awesome forthcoming fantasy, historical fiction book Camelot Disrupted, Book One, Lost Hope Regained, will fancifully depict..

But nothing EVER quite like this.

 The co-creating is lifting me higher than I've ever known before.

Watch me soar!

More to come.

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