Curious as to why New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" is so very invested in truth?
Here is a worthwhile listen for its lively exchanges, after you get past the first five minutes, on the importance of truth in one's value system and the challenges of living life as a truth-seeker. Sound quality a bit distracting at times due to tech difficulties.
Enjoy! And let us know your comments at: MountainWomanRJ@aol.com.
Introduced in their first program of this embryonic series on “moving beyond gender tyranny,” Anastasia (Me) has discussed the topic in various earlier articles on this site, as well as on the New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" site, beginning in October, 2017, just after the Harvey Weinstein scandals became public.
Regarding Donald Trump, I hope you have asked yourself --
"Is this the man you want in the White House?"A corollary to this question is -- Is corruption acceptable to you? And, if so, why?
Sell me on your view, if you think its substantial. I am open to dialogue as long as each person participating is interested in mind-expanding "dialogue rather than debate" and seeking win-win results from the effort. In other words, lean in to me and I'll lean back to you.
P.S. I, Anastasia, vote Independent. So don't blame me for what you don't like, or even praise me, if I joined your "side" this time around. I can go either way.
A corollary to the question, do you want this man in the White House, is -- which man/men do you want in your bed, Sisters???
Is corruption acceptable there for you, too?
Join us for this lively broadcast discussion, hear Terry's and my views and see how they align with your own, or not! Or, listen in after on podcast.
Friday, January 24 11:30 a.m.
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