Coming Soon!
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Anastasia Rosen-Jones (formally Marcia E. Rosen), New Horizons Small “Zones Of Peace” Project Executive Director and Founder. A personal and professional blog exploring the vision behind the New Horizons ZOP and how it reflects my journey from blindness to recovery.
Q. How can that be? Especially in this time of great desperation?
Here's one answer I'm trying on, How Did We Get Here?
Short version: With help from my friends.
Article under construction.
Also see: Breaking News: NH/ZOP Executive Director To Sign Book Publishing Contract
So much has happened these past months since Covid-19 became a fact of our lives. Not all of it awful.
On the positive side and a personal level, even more so since that fateful day, Saturday, October 10th, when NH/ZOP Board Member, Sue deVeer, informed me she had arranged a $50,000 pledge for our organization from an anonymous donor, intended to be matched many fold over, to be gifted to the NH/ZOP Publishing Fund!
I'm the only publishing person around here, meaning NOW I get to use my time quarantining creatively, happily, as long as I'm healthy, having the opportunity, sooner rather than later, to bring my G-d given gifts, as expressed in my writings – out into the greater world!
I always knew it was coming,= from somewhere but not from where or when. Isn't that amazing!
I call it faith, faith in oneself and faith in a higher order.
OMG!! Was that Saturday ever to start in motion HUGE HAPPENINGS for ME and New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace.
One of the biggest so far is that for the first time ever I am going to try my hand at writing fiction, fantasy/historical fiction. And, you all, my loyal followers are just gonna love it!
Here are a few details with more to come soon.
Working Title: Book I, ……. tba of intended four part fantasy/historical fiction series, titled Lost Hope Regained.
Main Character: ME!! A fictionalized alter ego, representing ME to be named ……tba. who in the course of the series becomes an adventure hero, a total Goddess with healing powers.
What did you expect??
One of the key themes: Anastasia’s alter ego's journey to live out the directive of her “Prophecy.”
How’s that for starters?
Fun looking from my end. First time I'll be writing a book, intending to have fun with it.
Having the great team being put together for me by Kevin Anderson & Associates to provide me with optimum talent and support is key to the fun I'm counting on.
Stay posted and help NH/ZOP and myself carry this project to the finish line.
We are TOTALLY going to need your help!
Now be thankful! I sure am, even in the midst of all the tragedy.
Happy Thanksgiving from me, Anastasia, and the NH?ZOP Board of Directors
It’s only the beginning! Look for details.
Next on our "new horizons" --
"Fireside" To Replace "Fire Circle" Storytelling
Begins Saturday evening, November 7, includes new online radio broadcast portion. Look for details.
11/11 Update: Now rescheduled to Saturday, November 14, due to Sue's husband's medical emergency and hospitalization last week into this .
As November days grow shorter and the nights chillier, I (Anastasia) find myself needing to go indoors at sunset where almost no one will be able to join me for storytelling, much to my chagrin. At least nowhere near, for the coming months.
Thanks to covid-19 and social distancing rules, I must now make my way -- alone -- or almost, at storytelling time.
"But isn't storytelling a group activity?" you ask from your seat, wherever it is, possibly as a storyteller convert, new to recognizing this, sometimes, lost art, that has the potential for becoming a vehicle for healing the divisions facing us, at this time in our country.
So there it is: I must now come indoors -- leaving almost everyone else out. After all the New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" (NH/ZOP) former GAME meeting area, spacious as it is, can't compete with our mountainside Forest Bathing Sanctuary and be safe for all.
But covid-19 is teaching me, -- all of us -- to find new and creative options for being together while far away. So, following on the heels of saying good-by to Daylight Saving Time -- and -- sunset now being an hour earlier, I am going indoors to stay warm by my "fireside," leaving our "fire circle" outside where it lives. Maybe all the way until next spring.
Darn! But we'll see.
Indoors or out, as wintery weather comes on, those of us, like me, who hate the cold will just have to see how it goes to be outdoors in the brrr cold, for a "new normal."
In the meantime, come inside with me, while I, your fearless storyteller "tries" to take up the get-hardy-in-the-cold practice of the Scandinavians this winter and check out this fun read I wrote about ten years ago.
If you let me know you like it, I might just want to get my Warrior Woman self, all bundled up, for a fire circle return before next ???? March ??? April???
We'll just have to see???
Find out how YOU can participate in next week's storytelling event, wherever you are.
P.S. Reservations generally close 48 hours before an event.
Contact Anastasia for additional information at:
The following announcement, in an earlier verson, is also posted to the NH/ZOP site here.
Join Anastasia The Storyteller for a
Post Election Storytelling Gathering, Aiming To Turn Lead Into Gold
Let Us, The Election-Weary, Come Together To Hear The Stories Of Others, Share Our Own And Begin To Heal And Transform!
Election 2020!!
Saturday, November 7
Begins 6:00 p.m. till ???
EST is our time zone, please be sure to adjust for your own.
Via conference call. For reservations, contact Anastasia at:
Look for a "Confirming Your Reservation" update, specially for this event here.
Main topics that may be suggested for storytelling and discussion:
… Anastasia’s Fire Circle Storytelling And Banishing Evil Event
Join Anastasia The Storyteller for a...
Halloween Storytelling And Banishing Evil Evening
Hear The Stories Of Others And Share Your Own
Halloween Eve, Saturday, October 31
Begins 6:00 p.m. till ???
EDT is our time zone, please be sure to adjust for your own.
Via conference call. For details and reservations, contact Anastasia at:
With healing activities and rituals to help elevate the higher consciousness of voters in our coming election.
Wikipedia writes …”The Great Pumpkin is an unseen, supernatural figure character who, according to Linus of the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz, rises from the pumpkin patch on Halloween evening and flies around bringing toys to sincere and believing children.
Now, though I still have a lot of kid in me, for sure I don’t need any toys. And, although I am quite sincere and a believer of the powers of unseen spirits, all I’m asking for this year is:
An honest and fair election that gets Donald Trump out of office!
That's ALL I ask of the Great Pumpkin and all good spirits:
“Please banish the darkness covering our country!”
(Same as, but not exclusively, Donald Trump and associates!
As you already know I HATE LYING!
Hopefully, if you are coming to our party, you do too!)
Schedule of Events
5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Dinner with onsite guests *Please note logistical details below schedule.
6:00 p.m. –
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Storytelling and discussion, with the purpose of raising consciousness, lead by Anastasia with friends gathered round our fire circle (via conference call.)
8:00 p.m. Group rituals for banishing darkness/evil
*Logistical details:
Only a very limited number of guests will be physically onsite for the event. They know who they are. No one else will be permitted;
Be sure to register early to ensure your participation. Contact Anastasia at:
Come one. Come all.
Begin discovering how to proceed now through to Election Day and –
how to begin helping to put our country back together again -- “the morning after.”
With healing rituals to help elevate the higher consciousness of voters in our coming election.
Join Anastasia The Storyteller for a
Hear The Stories Of Others And Share Your Own
via conference call or zoom??
Begins 6:00 p.m. till ???
with Anastasia’s “right arm,” Sue, for a Halloween Fire Circle Storytelling Fest in the glade of our New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” (NH/ZOP) Forest Bathing Sanctuary.
Sue may also lead, crises permitting, a walk in the woods with a limit of four live guests to join us.
Look for details. Coming Soon.
Be sure to register early to ensure your participation.
Contact Anastasia at:
Additional Details Forthcoming
Originally posted to New Horizons Small "Zones Of Peace"
New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” (NH/ZOP) Executive Director Anastasia Rosen-Jones' Mss Study Group Series got a huge $$$ boost over this past weekend, making the following paid part-time, work from home positions available immediately.
Required: Applicants must be internet savvy and have google blogger adeptness.
See below for application contact information.
Saturday, October 10
An unnamed supporter came forth today, pledging $50,000 of matching funds in support of the publishing, at last, of NH/ZOP Executive Director Anastasia Rosen-Jones' “Random House Trilogy.”
Sparked by word of the magnificence, impact and timeliness of Anastasia’s Mss Study Group Series, a masked and anonymous donor has pledged $50,000 as matching funds to move this project of the NH/ZOP into immediate fast forward. While fundraising plans take shape, these funds will become immediately available.
Credit for orchestrating the donation goes to Board Member Sue deVeer who will serve as spokesperson for the donor, until “They” choses to be publicly revealed.
Updated publication date for the first of Anastasia’s collection of writings is expected to be Labor Day, 2021. Look for further details and updates as they are established.
Hear Anastasia and NH/ZOP Board Member Sue discuss this most surprising and welcome windfall on --
Anastasia The Storyteller Radio
Date, time and topic to be announced
To apply for available positions, Contact Anastasia at:
And that on the heels of also losing most of August too.
Thank goodness time was all we lost!
(Actually, truth be told, I did lose a pseudo-friend at the mis-event of August. She had only months earlier vowed to be my Forever Friend.
However, having lived a significant portion of my life in the spotlight and having known of hundreds, if not more, people to hitch themselves to my bandwagon, I hadn't believed her, at the time.
Thank goodness. My REAL friends are DEEP! She was apparently only SURFACE.
Too bad for her!
I'm one of those people whose surface when scratched can open doors to personal and collective transformation, communication. That's the pathway to truth -- and -- eventually awe!
Healing and reconciliation are key!
Lessons our current president and congress are incapable of doing.
Double too bad for her that she wanted only to scratch Anastasia's surface!
Now back to my original story ..
Illness has struck our tiny counterculture community in a near mortal way.
But thank G-d not covid!
Yet things have gotten life and death serious these past two months, behind the scenes at the New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” (NH/ZOP) organization, starting not long after my 80th Birthday Celebration.
In early August Board Member, also my BFF, Sue, fell off a ladder breaking her arm. While she has been healing from that her husband, Paul, has been hospitalized close to forty days out of the last sixty!
Hit by daily crises, as we all are these days, coming at us from every angle, I find it hard to settle in to the reality that while Sue’s injury was not life threatening, the array of problems Paul is facing are.
Oh dear. Oh dear!
As I write this, I am struck by how distant I feel from my emotions at this moment. It’s all too much to be able to surface and integrate into full blown, multi-layered reality.
Just too much!
And then there are the California wildfires, burning again out of control. Board Member Terry and my godchildren, her son and daughter, are in the thick of the headlining fires today.
Just too much! Too much!
This is all so complicated and difficult, especially in this time of the pandemic, scary at times, today especially for Sue, as medical professionals cease to be at hand, now that Paul has been released again from the hospital, with Sue uncertain that bringing him home is the correct next step.
Last week Paul lasted only three days home before he was rushed back to the hospital emergency room, by ambulance, again, for the umpteenth time.
Has he been released prematurely, Sue wonders, because there is no room at the "inn," our local hospital due to covid? One can't help but wonder about such things, given circumstances.
At seventy-nine, he is at high risk for covid with a heart condition and a variety of other diseases that severely compromise his immune system. And, of course, Sue is still recovering from her injuries.
“But what about me, a little whiny voice whimpers quietly inside of ME,” not wanting to be heard above the crisis-laden commotion hovering over Paul – and Sue?
And, what about New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” where Sue is second in command and totally irreplaceable?
Is this co-dependency nagging at me, evoking the whiney me inside?
I hope not!
Interdependent is quite enough dependent for me who has spent most of my life as an ANTI-DEPENDENT.
Heaven forbid I should actually really, truly want something from someone else, want to wholly rely on another person!
Lean on someone enough to say “Hey, she (and he) are not doing well right now and I don’t know how to be all ok without them – my adopted family.”
“Hey. Hey. Our organization, like all known others, is only as strong as its weakest link and a BIG LINK in our chain is pretty weak right now.”
I guess so am I -- resilient yet weakened by too much stress, if normal functioning would be the high bar I wish reach.
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A slice of our Forest Bathing Sanctuary |
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The Thinker NH/ZOP Board Member, Sue deVeer at our gaming table in the woods |
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Goddess Of The Glade on her 80th Birthday! |
Beautiful goddess of the forest. Mother of the land. Wise woman of the mountain. My honorary mother.And so it was that New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” Forest Bathing Sanctuary had its official birthing and dedication, alongside my beautiful, joyful, inspiring, happy 80th birthday celebration.
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Anastasia and Marge Hulburt Fire Circle Dedication, 2006 |