Saturday, June 4, 2022

Can I Stand In Place?

.Can I stand in place...

...on my mountainside, looking down on the valley below -- as if seeing my entire past to date laid out before me-- with joy and celebration?

I am aiming for this or something better.

I believe I know how to achieve this gentle knowing, this gift of being able to see so far and wide. 

To others, the few that are genuinely aware of how I accomplish my profound experiences of higher consciousness, the gyymbastics I do with my mind, the deep diving into my emotional underworld, always seeking and finding buried treasures, are described as magic.

Sue, my BFF, is particularly observant and sensitive to seeing this in me. 

But -- it is not magic though "magical" it might be. It is something else.

Something, a state of being, I worked very hard emotionally and psychologically, interpersonally and communally to achieve. That I managed my way through this labor to be able now to relax into its rewards, combined days with my having grown into becoming a Shaman, amazes even me at times.

Being blind made a Shaman of me.

It was not on purpose. Until now I resisted truly owning this rewarded attainment of hard work on myself, discipline and determination.

Perhaps most importantly what I have come to be, am becoming, grows from "..the shoulders of the giants" upon which I stand -- my teachers.

First and foremost my father. Next in line -- My Mom -- my stepmother who helped transform my life with her gentle and wise guidance.

I will write more of this -- all of it that I can. And share stories too when the time is right. My stories hopefully inviting back the tales of others.

It is important that I give this information to you. Especially if -- you are struggling but courageous enough to yearn for something better, especially through this turbulent and scary time of the pandemic --  and open to facing hard facts and feelings. Then you may find what I have to share to be of my particular importance for you. 

Possibly even a lifeline. 

This suggestion is not intended to mean I/we are in the lifesaving business/ But we do have some expertise here to guide a dedicated traveler or two on life's twists and turns. But only for the most dedicated and determined.

More to come. More to share as I -- at last -- begin my preparations for the "return of my prophecy." And what it will mean. Certainly for me.

And maybe for you.

Fifty years in the planning! Can you believe that? I barely can!

Can I stand in place and see all of this? Know these things I know?

Apparently so!

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