Friday, July 30, 2021

Anastasia’s Inner State Re Our Union -- And -- What She Intends To Do About It


Also see: Work (Mostly)  From Home -- With Anastasia

Under Construction

I can barely sort myself out in the mornings. Let alone make it through a day without feeling jumbled up inside on the best of days.

But this I know:

For those of us alive and healthy still, to not reach out to our neighbors, beyond our separateness, though it be masked and socially distanced is a travesty against what is best of humanity. 

Why settle for distance beyond the safe distance? 

Why keep ourselves apart when evidence, such as the aftermath of 9/11, shows us we are stronger together.

What goes on in our towns and cities fighting, being violent and not coming together to fight our mass killer, covid-19, in united ways that helps us all, is beyond belief.

And the role the GOP is playing in all this is pure evil!!

Throughout the pandemic, my NH ZOP Board Members and myself have been aware that a blessing came our way through our Mss Study and our Pandemic Survivors Support Groups, both totally unexpectedly and both thriving, now in their second year. They have, most surprisingly, set us on a path of preparing our organization and ourselves to fight the blight on Democracy the pandemic crises has brought us, initially and disastrously under Donald Trump .

We are readying now for action!  We hope and PRAY you'll join our team, as we prepare to offer whatever we can.

My forthcoming book, Camelot Disrupted, Book One - Long Hope Regained (working title --due out -- 2022) will help paint the vision we are carrying, heralded in, in fantasy/historical fiction. This is the time is now for my prophecy to manifest

My forthcoming book will lay out my/our premises. We are already envisioning the inspiration it will bring. Nonetheless, only our citizens working together can make it real.

I often speak our missions mantra in a philosophy I grew up having modeled for me, day in and day out, by my Dad and Mom (stepmom), a Holocaust survivor.

Tikkun atzmi -- Repair of Self. Tikkun olanm -- Repair of the world.

The two themes work together. These are our duty. 

Let's get on it! Let us work together to carry them out.

is on the way! One of the many pathways in to Anastasia's "adventure of a lifetime" -- a major life trip out of darkness (in you and around you) into the Light.

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