The New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project presents –
(Scroll down beyond seminar announcement to read New Horizons Small "Zones of Peace" press release.)
The Wise Woman’s Way Out of #MeToo:
A One-Day Seminar
(Notice that this seminar is one of New Horizons’ efforts to help bring Executive Director and Founder, Anastasia Rosen-Jones, The Storyteller, into the Light.)
Read Anastasia’s #MeToo stories here.
And about her amazing background that uniquely equips her to address current gender challenges here.
Also, hear Anastasia on Anastasia The Storyteller on Blog Talk Radio
OMG! What a time this is to be a woman – and make the most of our womanly strengths. Sharing our stories is one of our best ways to affirm our powers and help make our dreams come true.
That’s what this one day seminar is about -- you and I, our stories and reclaiming our dreams!
A One-Day Seminar
From storytelling – and story “listening,” we gain insight, inspiration, connection, new found levels of wisdom and creative solutions to problems that we face. There has been such a “Cost to the quiet” of holding the secrets we carried out of shame and fear. Now is the time to let them go! In this lies our woman-power and our shared futures.
Your opportunity to share your #MeToo Stories, hear the stories of other women and begin creating a new pathway for yourself out of the #MeToo trap.
Saturday, Rescheduled, New Date TBA
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Frederick Friends Meeting House
723 N. Market Street Frederick, Maryland 21701
Reserve early, space will be limited!
Tax deductible donation: Early registration -- $25 prior to tba, 2018
$35 – tba, $50 at the door.
No one stays away because of $$$, inquire about scholarships and gifts in kind donations.
New Horizons is a 501 C 3 non-profit educational organization
For Details and Reservations, Contact: Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Email: Cell: 240.409.5347
Be sure to read New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” articles on Bridging The Gender Gap and other topics.
December 12, 2017
New Horizons Pledges Development Of County-Wide Gender Gap Bridge-Building Support Network
The New Horizons “Small Zones Of Peace” Project, known throughout Frederick County for its bridge-building, “Coffee House Conversations” efforts in the areas of race and citizen-police relations, has announced plans to update its city-wide support network approach.
From the mid-1980s to the early 21st century, New Horizons sponsored a full-fledged, highly successful, city- wide, support network program, addressing male female relationship problems primarily. With ongoing support groups in Montgomery, Prince Georges and Frederick Counties and Northern Virginia—boosted by day-long educational seminars, monthly training, and weekend retreats—the project became a mainstay for both men and women facing the kinds of gender imbalance challenges presently filling our daily news cycles by way of Hollywood-to-New York (and points in between) sexual harassment scandals.
In response to this outpouring, the New Horizons “Small Zones of Peace” Project, headed by Executive Director and Founder Anastasia Rosen-Jones, is now pledging to revitalize its support network model for Frederick County. To this end, the organization will seek:
- Collaboration with other organizations, groups, agencies and individuals to help develop a Frederick County Male-Female Support Network;
- To develop a feasibility study to chart out strategies for the project; and
- To bring together the many voices of our community that have gender-based, power imbalance concerns.
Ms. Rosen-Jones, a retired psychotherapist with more than forty years of experience in the mental health field, suggests that these sexual harassment and abuse scandals now offer our community an occasion to raise the bar for male-female relationships in Frederick. “Whatever is now falling out, locally, from the national tsunami of scandals and #Metoo repercussions can become an opportunity in Frederick County,” Ms. Rosen-Jones stated.
Ms. Rosen-Jones, who is a member of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) workgroup, a project of the Frederick County Health Department’s Local Health Improvement Plan (LHIP)—an effort including, too, Frederick County United Way, the Frederick County Mental Health Association, and other local agencies and organizations—states:
“There is a strong correlation between what we do as ACE activists and what New Horizons is proposing here. Recent trends reporting on sex and power-related problems in the workplace, as well as elsewhere, reveal that the main victims appear to be women and mothers.
With secrets buried deep within, these adult victims, who may have never thought—previously—to seek help, find themselves rearing children while burdened with unhealed traumas that can impact their young ones. As it is ACE’s task to assist children and families experiencing adverse conditions, we may also find community benefit in support and guidance to these male and female survivors in ways beyond current provisions and outside of immediate domestic violence crisis intervention services. This is what our support network will be designed to accomplish."
New Horizons Support Network, Inc. is a non-profit organization that offers programs designed to teach interpersonal and community development skills and strategies through the model of its “Small Zones of Peace” Project initiative. Information about the organization can be found here.
Also, read Ms. Rosen-Jones’ bio where information on Anastasia’s women’s studies research and on the intersection of the co-dependent (i.e. passive addict/co-dependent) and the aggressive/power addict can also be found.