Introducing my Journey
Back To Me, Book Two of Anastasia’s Random House Trilogy
I had a wonderful experience last night. It gave me a way in
to the topic, “Discovering What Really Matters,” that I introduced in the
article of that same name. “Discovering what really matters” is the
pathway out of the Survivor/Addict lifestyle that I am taking great pains to guide you to
take through this blog site and my new blog site, “Exploring Your Dark Side:The Adventure Of A Lifetime”
Today I am so “excited,” which for me is always a bit over
the top of a true, healthy happiness as Murat would want for each of us. In other words “excitement,” in my
vernacular, means having a slight bit (quite manageable for me) of a
survivor/addict relapse.
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Anastasia, circa 1966 as Marcia E. Rosen, Survivor/Addict |
But nothing too serious in the whole scheme of things.
Nonetheless, last night was the first occasion I have had – ever
– to discuss my three Random House Books that I call my “Random House Trilogy”
as the one set or series of books that they are, chronicling the incredible
personal and professional journey that came of my years with Marty Groder.
Imagine that! The “why” is quite a story all on its own for
another time.
My newest blog site, “Exploring Your Dark Side: TheAdventure Of A Lifetime,” has as its intention to only present Books One and
Three of the series; Book One, originally titled Surviving Addictions, revised as Surviving Adrenalin Addictions and Book Three, Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Lifetime.
Book Two: Journey
Back To Me, has hardly ever been mentioned so far. My design has been
to incorporate that one into this blog site, somehow or other. But I had not
yet, to date, seen how to do that. Last night, however, may have been a game
changer in this regard because --
… last night at the Psychology Club I crossed over the doorwayto that intent. Once through, lo and behold, Journey Back To Me came alive for me as it has not been
since the time I put it aside, twenty years ago.
Recall that on “Exploring Your Dark Side,” the blog site, I
have said that there are many doorways to personal transformation. For me the
practice and discipline my writing demands of me incorporates several of these,
at least. And, a speaking engagement such as I did last night can bring the
other remaining portals into play, provided one knows how to allow/enable that
to occur.
So BINGO! One more deliciously transformative moment!
The situation of my crossing over last night was this.
I had been invited to address the Psychology Club at nearby
Hood College in Frederick, Maryland; partially as a simple speaking engagement
and partly in preparation for the club’s sponsorship of a forthcoming, campus-based
Coffee House Conversation On Race Relations.
The college campus version of New Horizons’ flourishing Coffee House Conversations On Race Relations initiative is just one sign of the
momentum building for New Horizons around this effort. In and of itself this
new aspect of the over-all project mission holds exciting prospects for New
It will allow us to, not only serve a local community as we
are now doing in Frederick County, Maryland, but to expand our contributions to
the reconciliation of present social problems, namely race and police
relations, above and beyond our wildest imaginings. We are now situated, due to
our originally conceived effort, Coffee House Conversations On Race Relations
in local communities, to play an active part in aiding the healing of major and
necessary social change in the United States.
Now our developing Coffee House Conversations at Hood College
will take us into campus concerns at a most fortuitous time. One need only read current news reports to
recognize this; racist chants and fraternity scenes of rape spotlight some of
the most serious.
So, beginning now I am trying to integrate the experience I
had last night with the Hood College Psych Club. Hallelujah!
But I am, this minute, as I write this, so very excited
about all kinds of related happenings I cannot stay on point. The problem,
therefore, is that I am unable at this moment to keep myself on track to tell
you about these. I can barely keep myself from getting off track trying to tell
you about one single thing, my speaking engagement of last evening at Hood
Well, with that said and done, maybe, truth be told, I can’t
just stick to that one subject today. So
my product here can simply be only
to tell about my process.
Oh well! There is just too much happening right now that is
exciting and wonderful for me to hold onto one focused path!
I guess I will just have to come back later to tell you more.
As it turns out, one of the most delightful new friends that I’ve made recently,
Herman King, is about to bring about another incredible experience for me later
this afternoon.
I will not be able to get ready for that one ahead if I
write more about what was already.
Oh dear! Oh dear!
However, when I can get to it, in a day or two or so, I will
do my best to write of all of this as best I can of what is happening here!
These days our joys and our sorrows can so easily be shared
and matter for many through online communication. But for now the sunshine and
fresh air, the abundance of bird song as mating season takes hold beckon me outdoors and I
am off for that daily mountain road walk I’ve been missing these past months.
In the meantime, let me leave you with this, my talk last
night, clarified by feedback I received at the Psych Club, underscored for me,
multiple times, that whatever else I wish to impart to you, my readers, at the
base the healing of our wounds and troubles, personally, societally and politically
have “love” as the most
profound answer at the foundation of it all.
I look forward to sharing my views on this one as soon as I
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