Wednesday, January 4, 2023

What "All This" Means To Me

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Wednesday, January 4 -- 2:00 a.m.

It's "All" so very BIG!

I barely know how to think of it -- wrap my mind around "IT ALl."

Imagine this -- you have a prophecy when you are barely into your thirties -- a single visitation, almost only one time in your life!

Now I call it my Oversoul. An abstract, ethereal being -- a spiritual being. And you are totally NOT even a spiritual kinda person. In fact -- spirituality is a form of psychosis you have been taught on your way to becoming a social worker which actually you did not ever become (Ohio become. (Ohio State, circa 1960.)

And that one foretelling has -- miracle of miracles -- directed your life and brought you to a BEAUTIFUL but oftentimes very hard -- NOW!

How would you be?

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