Wednesday, February 26, 2020
We Are Getting So Excited About The New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Board Members Mss Study Group
Details are now available on Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Lifetime blog site.
Look for these two articles:
1. Mss Study Group Announced: Surviving (Adrenalin) Addictions, Original Unedited Version
2. Mss Study Group #1: Discussion Overview
Travel along with us, vicariously, as the New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Board Of Directors now sets foot on a next leg of its adventure of "practicing what we preach."
Monday, February 24, 2020
A Big Week Ahead For Me – And
... the two non-profit organizations I founded, New Horizons Support Network, Inc. and the Small “Zones of Peace” Inc.
Part one of ten parts that make up the whole of my (Anastasia's) still unpublished Random House Trilogy, will start on its way to, at last, being published, hopefully in 2022, and be opened up by the New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Board of Directors, also known as our Elite Truth Or Dare GAME players (i.e. our Truth Squad) who will work with me from here forward, studying and updating my original Random House manuscript, new working title SURVIVING THE USA, Circa 2016 -- Fwd, with a very special Mss Study Group.
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Here we go! My Board and Me! SURVIVING THE USA, Circa 2016 -- Fwd(Working title) |
Miracle of miracles, they are going to join me, after 22 years of interruption, beginning with my losing my eyesight in 1998 but never my vision, in heading for the publication of my entire unpublished Random House Trilogy, beginning with part one, with or without Random House, "G-d willing and the creek don't rise"!!
Out of the moth balls and mice-eaten files, here we come!!
Did I think I would ever SEE the day when disciplined "community action" from my board would officially head me in this direction?
Well, not exactly.
If progress was to be made, I assumed it would be a solo act on my part. So, their unexpectedly joining me, is quite the blessing!
Therefore, this coming Friday, in our new "Mss Study Group," WE will make a "beginning" through study to head me toward that destination -- OFFICIAL.
That's what an exceptional community can do!
SURVIVING THE USA, Circa 2016 -- Fwd is on its way.
Also, the New Horizons/Small "Zoned Of Peace" Possible Human, Possible Society Study, Rebooted will be launched this week too, with the introduction of a "Preliminary Study."
Look for details on both my writing/publishing/Mss Study Group and its devoted activities and our rebooted study here and at New Horizons Small "Zones Of Peace."
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Reflections On Leadership, After Trump’s Aborted Impeachment Trials
The day after Donald Trump’s aborted Senate impeachment trials ended, I awakened into morning reverie with a desire to share reflections deriving from my conversations with G-d that generally usher in my day.
It seemed to have been a good long time since I felt prompted to do so, having spent so many months, actually the years following the 2016 presidential election, at sixes and sevens, both for myself, personally, and in leading my non-profit organization, the New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace.
Since the start of the formal impeachment efforts by the Congressional House Democrats there had been a sense of relief in me, perhaps in others too.
The voices of reason and justice had spoken out truths, if not purely and perfectly, but at least in ways that made sense to me overall, resonating with values I respected. Once given voice, as they were in, more or less orderly fashion, they could no longer be ignored and submerged beneath the chaos and corruption of Donald Trump’s White House and his GOP allies.
History would, now, live to tell the tale, even if the Senate would not.
Not too many days later, given that our organization had, at last, gotten its eBay store for fundraising set up and ready to go, I found myself listing for sale the one remaining copy of Ahmsta Kebzeh: The Science Of Universal Awe, Volume I we were holding, written by our esteemed, now deceased, Community Development Mentor, Murat Yagan.
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Abkhazian Elder, Murat Yagan |
The book sold off of eBay almost instantly.
However, I didn’t, at first, make the connection between my impetus to want to share some of the content of my conversations with G-d and my listing that long-held book, given to us by Murat, personally, close to fifteen years ago. Not too much later, however, I realized that each was my way of making a statement, if only to myself, of the kind of leadership I respect and honor -- and to which I would, from here forth, return my most pointed attentions.
Nothing at all like we are seeing in the purported leaders of our country!
Along with this certainty in myself arose a staunch unwillingness to allow any more of my precious life time and energy to be drawn into b…s..t, the kind that proliferates these days through the halls of the White House and Congress, large corporations, even with my neighborhood plumber who, by the way, stood me up last evening, with a no-show for fixing the leaky pipe that was drowning my lower level kitchen in water.
This morning I remedied that latter breech of ethics by hiring a more professional handyman service that came through for me within hours, bringing into my home the kind of ethics and responsibility that I find most comforting! How I wish I could be free of our “fake” governmental leaders as quickly and easily!
The whole of my internal responses, body, mind and spirit, that day after the aborted impeachment trials ended, showed me I have more than enough clarity in my head – and my heart to know where I stand personally, to know what I need to do next in order that I do my best to maintain, or seek to sustain, order in my life where chaos bred of human corruption appears to take a lead.
No more sixes and sevens! No more energy drains for me, from those who pretend to lead while, at the same time, seeking to destroy! And, with this resolve, no more morning waking rushing to check the news online, out of fear and a deep yearning for an order in my life I had formerly trusted our government, established as a democracy, to ensure.
I was DONE with it all!
From here forth, the values I most respect would set the tone of my days.
The House Congressional representatives with their impeachment actions had given me/us that, even with their efforts being aborted in the Senate. Lies and corruption had been formally recorded. Truth would not die, nor the fact of the actions that stood up for it.
Not long after that morning after, I asked myself “Where might concerned, voting Americans find a place to settle and rest securely and peacefully, after the aborted senate impeachment trials of D0nald Trump?
Likely I pose a challenging question to many, as perhaps our whole country is at sixes and sevens? And, how would citizens who are more aligned with my thinking move forward?
Half the voting population is celebrating the acquittal of Trump.
Another good half of which I am a part, those who uphold values, differing markedly from the dominant GOP we watched, handling themselves with a deliberate investment to remain ignorant throughout this impeachment ordeal, are angry, possibly frightened, sad or in despair, experiencing trauma, on a national level as essential principles or standards of behavior were desecrated,.
No that does not strike me as correct! I am not with this segment, either, in these responses.
For me, the warped ways of the Senate GOP have now strengthened my convictions, in this time of greatest divisiveness, to uphold the values with which I was raised, including teaching me to look to leadership I can honor. Men like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. come immediately to mind. Yet closer still to where my heart sits in comfort are the images of my father, along with a more current teacher, also deceased as is my father, Murat Yagan, from whom I had many long years to learn, personally.
So, now in the aftermath of b.s such I had never imagined in what I thought to be the hallowed halls of American government, most especially in the White House and Congress, I am reaching out in my mind and spirit to these wise elders I have known most closely, rededicating myself to holding them in prime space, allowing these who have gone before me that I hold most in esteem and love for the dignity, integrity, courage. love and wisdom they have shown me by their principles lived out, congruently, through their actions, albeit not totally with perfection.
I regret that there are no women among these role models of mine, only men. But perhaps it is, now up to women, like Nancy Pelosi and others who have, particularly recently, taken stands for justice and right, women like myself included.
From here forth I want things to be different in my life, not at all like the past four years have been. I don’t yet know what that will look like for me and for those around me upon whose lives I have influence though "Seeking Sanctuary In These Turbulent Times" will certainly have a priority. But I do know from here forth, the coming years will not look, feel or be like the past four years, whether Donald Trump is reelected or not!
Thomas Paine spoke these words on December 23, 1776, in the midst of the Revolutionary War. They are no less meaningful today.
“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated”
Monday, February 10, 2020
Seeking Sanctuary In These Turbulent Times,,,
I find it in my own backyard, blessed as I am to have the new trending practice called forest bathing right outside my doors, front, back and on all sides around me.
I find sanctuary, too, in playing New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Truth Or Dare GAME, the communal space where I can completely sink into a comfortable way of being devoid of lies, corruption and polarization, the current epidemic-proportion viral and cultural diseases of twenty-first century America, under the leadership, if that's what you call it, of Donald Trump.
Find out, if you might like to also
learn to play our Truth Or Dare GAME.
This is New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" training ground for exceptional community-building and exceptional leadership development, an interactive "zone of peace" you wouldn't have imagined you could create and sustain by conference call.
But we are doing it! And have been now for going on two years!
In a more subdued manner, our physical small "zone of peace" is a beautiful, peaceful natural area, set aside at our developing retreat center as a sanctuary to turn to, especially now, in these troubled times, for the serenity and natural harmony, only a near-untouched forest can offer.
In a world surrounding us that seems devoid of what our hearts and our minds, our true Higher Selves, tell us is right and just, this is a good place to be.
P.S. New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” "Elite" Truth Or Dare GAME Celebrated Its Sixteenth GAME last Saturday!
Find out if you would like to become a part of our GAME community, the Truth Squad, intent on standing up together for that which we honor.
Playing our GAME takes a bit of advanced preparation. But the effort is truly worth the benefit.
You can begin the learning and preparation process for our Truth Or Dare GAME through any of my Super Sleuth'd Coaching and Consulting Services or our Mss Study Group classes, now being organized, available for registration in the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" eBay Store.
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New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Retreat Center Join as a participant or volunteer to help us develop our sanctuary with all those who would seek serenity, community unity-building and uplifting conversation away from the maddening crowds. Opening to guests: 2021. Oops! The pandemic crisis brought us to open our Forest Bathing Sanctuary a year early, on July 18, 2020.
Find out how you can socially distance with us, in a stress-free environment in our precious Forest Bathing Sanctuary.
For details and reservations, contact Anastasia at: |
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