The breakthrough!
I thought the learning of new programs and procedures were
to be the main challenges to surmount for my becoming a successful radio show host. But
that was before “hatred” of my show reared its ugly head last week.

My first effort at clearing away this demon energy; this obstacle to my serenity and joy was, of course, a self-reflective scrutinizing. Unable to dispense with it in this solo fashion, next came my admitting to close associates the hold this darkness had on me, seemingly having a life force of its own; attached to me as its host (and I don’t mean in the radio show manner) as a totally unwanted guest.
Still unable to free myself from this vampire entity, last
Sunday’s meeting of the New Horizons’ board of directors had me fessing up to
its presence as a piece of our meeting agenda. Damn! How embarrassing!
We were called to be discussing New Horizons’ forward development.
And, here was I, chairperson of the board and the organization’s executive
director, needing to be honest that my own very primitive inner workings were
jamming our progress. Damn that was humiliating!
Still in all, the New Horizons’ Board of Directors is a most
special and unique governing body. And strange as it was to have an agenda item
identified as “Anastasia hates her radio show” (it was, by the way, that
specific), they took up the item as seriously as if it had been a budget
problem, giving it the attention it truly did warrant. After all, if I’m not
the Miss Piggy of New Horizons who else could it be?
This board, as it turns out, manages its business with every
bit of integrity and dedication to the
principles that underlie our one initiative, the Small “Zones of Peace” Project,
and honors the intent of our second, the Possible Human, Possible Society
Study. We uphold the notion that it takes a village to put out a fire, even
when that fire is merely the internal fire/passion/hatred of a member.
So, you know what happened after all this?
I think I did a very good show on the Possible Society In Motion Show last Thursday evening (Valentine’s Day, no less) and am on my way
to feeling good about my show hosting, believing that this show is, now on its
way to building toward the community impact we are intent upon.
Hatred and passion, I came to remember, after the fact, are
merely two sides of a coin, called fire energy. Bring them together and what do you have? The force of creativity!
Stay tuned for more.
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