Sunday, June 25, 2023

Anastasia's Personal Story Behind The Best Gaslighting Deterrent Ever

Reposted from Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Lifetime

How can I tell you, dear reader, what it was like for me to walk into the first night of a week-end long seminar and for the first time ever have the experience of the puzzles that are me and my life fall into a cohesive, well-ordered, systematic pattern.

And readily in a manner I could count on, the system I had learned there i could almost measurably, on purpose and reliably be counted on to help me define and clarify reality dependably, up to a point. Of course I'd had only an introduction though now -- almost immediately that I had found my pathway home.

The Asklepeion GAME, modified many times over, would solify my certainty.

Beyond the point of self-direction, the system and the method were also about to teach me how to engage with others, also in reliably successful ways  -- up to a point. And, if not successful, learning options for understanding what went wrong and reliable fix it options, if appropriate. I'm still learning.

Today those systems and their related principles and strategies are the foundations for the Black Bear Mountain Village Project == a potential mental health solution for our times, in the effort to recover. emotionally and practically -- from the pandemic and all that's gone with it for now going on four years.

Listen in too for our forthcoming related podcast series.

To be continued.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Best Gaslighting Deterrent Ever

Coming soon as a series.

Read the story behind the series, the series and some on the mental health benefits on Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure of a Lifetime

Monday, June 19, 2023

Update: The Ms Study Group-Class That Saved Lives During The Pandemic

 Updated: June 19, 2023

The most amazing part of the whole -- our whole adventure from THERE -- March 16, 2020 to HERE that has now led us -- NH/ZOP to soon be updated into the new Black Bear Mountain Village Project-- to me, Anastasia, is that, to date, the most dramatic life-saving to come out of our Ms Study Group/Class was the "life-saving" (still actively in progress) of the one board member in our midst who entered our shared pandemic survival programs: the Ms Study Group/Class and our Pandemic Survivor's Support Group coming from the most intact and stable growing up family environment of any of us.

"Could it be, I ask myself, that the other three of us, all board members, having SURVIVED-- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) had built up more resilience to make it through the forces of the pandemic up against the political and social unrest we presently live-in.

Fyi -- SHE is now recovering beautifully.

We'll be telling you all about this "adventure of a lufetime" we've been living and the fruits of which are now preparing ourselves to pass on to YOU -- in the service of enhanced personal and community pandemic mental health recovery.

Look for broadcast derails-- coming soon. Good mental health permitting.


Indeed ...

The "Ms Class That Saved Lives" made a wonderful start!

Under construction...

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Update: New Broadcast Series

Reposted from NH/ZOP

Podcast Series: We"ve Got A Mental Health Crisis -- And We've Got A Mental Solution

Look for new rescheduled date --TBA

Q --What's happening with this series?

A1-- The mental health of our board members is our gold standard for mental health. In other words we are the role models for our product. In other words if "we ain't able to do good for ourselves, how can 

we pass on our tried and true mental health solution to you?

A2 -- Where have we/it been?-- DAMN! -- Working on our own mental health.

Q2 Would you have it any other way for us?

A2 Sampler of NH/ZOP mental health challenges since series announced.

Director Anastasia has been in and out of blindness episodes.

Secretary Treasurer Sue has been dealing with pandemic-- related PTSD and, as of today, her husband has been diagnosed with spinal cord injury from a serious fall last week

Chairperson of Budget And Finance Committee Jill has been dealing with a daughter with BPD mental health issues and a fentanyl addict boyfriend.

And -- we are deeply involved in writing a book Camelot Disrupted-- completion due date December 31 with deadlines almost every week.

Bottom Line: When you see and understand how our Black Bear Mountain Village Project works you'll see -- Our System Works -- "If you going work it!" And we are soon gonna be showing you how,

We are the evidence!

More to come